
Novel concept of Entheogenic Synergy

Following up on last week’s article, we clear up what we coined as Entheogenic Synergy, which bifurcates into Recreational Synergy and Therapeutic Synergy, concepts intended to raise awareness of anthropological values, mu beliefs, and elements susceptible to changing our biochemistry, microbiota, neurochemistry, and the way we think, such as music, hearing other experiences, expectations, and the journey to our destination, as well as conversations we have about the experience, being present to a new environment and language, learning to adapt, changing our neuroplasticity and thermoregulation are explored as equally as the psychedelic experience, and even further, be included in the psychedelic experience in the future research. 

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Entourage effect of Peyote

The entourage effect is a phenomenon that has been gaining traction in psychedelic research. What at first was thought to be a phenomenon observed solemnly in the cannabis community and the entourage effect between THC and other phytocannabinoids turns out to be much more extensive than what we thought to be and to influence several species such as the Psilocybe genus. One specific study highlighted the significance of this phenomenon by demonstrating the superior therapeutic accuracy of psilocybin extracts compared to synthetic psilocybin.

However, there is a species that hasn’t been spoken of enough when mentioning the entourage effect. Lophophora Williamsii (Peyote).

Join us and understand the entourage effect in Peyote!

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