
I am a writer focused on the study of psychedelics and pharmacology. Writer of Lophophora as a second language.

Slow releasing Ketamine tablets might be the future for the treatment of severe depression

The notion of Ketamine being a horse tranquilizer is slowly shifting into the compound as a tool in psychotherapy for the treatment of several mental illnesses, allowing novel therapies, such as Ketamine VR and using Ketamine to treat post-finasteride syndrome, to be developed.

However, there is a downside to Ketamine therapy. Its availability, the cost, and the fact that patients stay in clinics for two hours after administration. But this might be changing soon!

Researchers are currently in clinical trials for the approval of a slow-releasing racemic Ketamine tablet that will lower the cost of Ketamine therapy and can be administered at home by the patient as it doesn’t have the typical dissociative side effects in IV Ketamine and has low chances of addiction according to researchers.

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Can blind people have visuals on psychedelics?

One of the most intriguing effects of psychedelic compounds is their capability to induce visual hallucinations. But how would it feel if someone visually or hearing impaired took a psychedelic? Would they still be able to have visual/auditory hallucinations? Compelling research says perhaps, as congenitally blind patients have proven to have visual hallucinations in near-death experiences, concepts of synaesthesia may take a role in the experience. Additionally, if the brain had access to visual-auditory data if someone lost their vision/hearing recently, there is a chance the brain may be able to generate visual/auditory hallucinations!

Proving us the wonders of neuroplasticity and Paul Bach-y-Rita’s quote. “We see with our brain, not our eyes.”

Can blind people have visuals on psychedelics? Read More »

One step closer to saving a species!

In the last five years, two words have spread like wildfire, “Toad Medicine” (5-MeO-DMT) is in the mouths of celebrities, herpetologists, psychonauts, and curious people. This curiosity narrowed Incilius Alvarius to endangerment due to poaching and increased movement on the Sonoran roads. Fortunately, researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital and Columbia University greeted us with another synthetic alternative to stop harming the toads 4-F,5-MeO-PyrT.

Could this be a queue to stop seeing this toad as a “medicine” and see it as a living species once again and stop abusing it for personal benefit?

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How psychedelics might break social media

Since the first specimens on earth, one predominant trait has a heavy presence today. The will to gain power and to be at the top.
These behavioral patterns continued throughout time and interspecies, and even today, demonstration of physical strength, financial power, or influence amuses us.

Such traits have led to an addiction to following today’s currency, which is influence, leading to addiction to social media and change in our neurochemistry.

Read more to understand the power of psychedelics on breaking habits such as constantly checking our phones, being attracted to productive capitalist ideology, and being a part of the system or the matrix.

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Psychedelic Hallucinations may be generated in our retinofungal pathway!

Psychedelics are one of the most mysterious compounds. Still today, we have plenty of questions to answer. However, we got a step closer to understanding them with the recent study published by the University of Maastricht and the team of Zeus Tipado, Kim P.C. Kuypers, Bettina Sorger, and Johannes G. Ramaekers, who brought to light a new theory that psychedelic induced hallucinations might generate in the retinofugal pathway.

Join us to uncover this hypothesis and understand the mysterious world of psychedelics.

Psychedelic Hallucinations may be generated in our retinofungal pathway! Read More »

Psychedelics inspiring artists: A conversation with Sylocin

Without a doubt, one of the first things that comes to our minds🧠 when thinking about psych*delics is the distortion of our vision, followed by visual and auditory hallucinations. To most, these hallucinations are mere imagery or part of our hallucinations generated by our brain, but how would someone with an artistic vein perceive such changes in their sensory and neural sites?

To understand more how these compounds may influence and inspire someone’s art, we spoke to EDM music producer Sylocin🍄

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Impact of new Halogenated Tryptophan Derivatives on Psychedelic Research

Groundbreaking research has demonstrated the potential for enzymes to selectively halogenate tryptophan at the 5-, 6-, or 7- positions, with particular emphasis on the 7- position, opening up opportunities to expand bio-based production to different hosts and halogenation positions within tryptophan, making it relevant for a cheaper large-scale industrial production of tryptophan pharmaceutical derivatives.

In the realm of psychedelics, this method could lead to the development of various tryptamine-based psych*delics and new halogenated beta-carbolines that can be used as alternatives to MAOIs in pharmahuasca blends. The possibilities are vast and exciting.

Impact of new Halogenated Tryptophan Derivatives on Psychedelic Research Read More »

Types of psychoactive compounds

Society often misunderstands what drugs are. We all have a family member or a friend who says they are against drugs, but they consume alcohol, coffee, or smoke. 

Likewise, the community blurred the narrow line between what is psychedelic or simply psychoactive. We have constant arguments on whether MDMA, Cannabis, or Ketamine might be psychedelic or not. 
To some, the compounds become psychedelics based on the dosages. To others, the compounds fall into more scientific terminologies.

Join us to learn about the various classes of psychoactive compounds and how they affect our daily lives.

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What is shadow work?

In the intricate landscape of human psychology, the concept of the shadow self, as elucidated by Carl Jung, represents the latent and often repressed aspects of our personality. Emerging research suggests that psychedelics, particularly empathogens-entactogens such as MDMA and 2C-B, may serve as catalysts for unveiling these hidden dimensions.

Through controlled clinical settings and guided therapy, individuals undergoing psychedelic experiences have reported profound insights into their shadow selves, leading to enhanced self-awareness and psychological integration.

Join us in examining personal anecdotes, confronting the intersection of untreated shadow manifestations and the transformative potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

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