
Entourage effect of Peyote

The entourage effect is a phenomenon that has been gaining traction in psychedelic research. What at first was thought to be a phenomenon observed solemnly in the cannabis community and the entourage effect between THC and other phytocannabinoids turns out to be much more extensive than what we thought to be and to influence several species such as the Psilocybe genus. One specific study highlighted the significance of this phenomenon by demonstrating the superior therapeutic accuracy of psilocybin extracts compared to synthetic psilocybin.

However, there is a species that hasn’t been spoken of enough when mentioning the entourage effect. Lophophora Williamsii (Peyote).

Join us and understand the entourage effect in Peyote!

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Cannabis and exercise

Cannabis has been a part of our society for ages. With the legalization of the plant in various states, the words Terpenes, Cannabinoids, and Cannabis have been louder than ever, raising questions about various topics, one of them exercise.

Athletes and workout enthusiasts have recently entered the world of Cannabis to benefit from the muscle relaxation and pain relief effects of the plant. Unfortunately, to those who compete at a professional level, smoking is often not possible. So we might question ourselves, how can I consume Cannabis without smoking it?

To figure out various forms of consumption of the plant and how Cannabis can help athletes or during exercise, tips on how to implement working out into your routine, and what CBD is, we spoke to the molecular biologist and weight-lifter Suat Neven.

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Atropine witches, a story of medieval potions

With the approach of the night of Halloween, we uncover what it meant to be a witch during the medieval era, why they were hunted down and burned, and the influence of Christianism in non-Christian cultures such as Mazatecs and Native Americans, Modern-day witches, and the fact you may be practicing witch rituals without knowing, botanical name codes for witches, what is inside a witch potion or brew, the use of Atropine, and Scopolamine in Medieval era and their pharmacological use today and their pharmacodynamics.

We hope you enjoy your Halloween!

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