
Cannabis and exercise

Cannabis has been a part of our society for ages. With the legalization of the plant in various states, the words Terpenes, Cannabinoids, and Cannabis have been louder than ever, raising questions about various topics, one of them exercise.

Athletes and workout enthusiasts have recently entered the world of Cannabis to benefit from the muscle relaxation and pain relief effects of the plant. Unfortunately, to those who compete at a professional level, smoking is often not possible. So we might question ourselves, how can I consume Cannabis without smoking it?

To figure out various forms of consumption of the plant and how Cannabis can help athletes or during exercise, tips on how to implement working out into your routine, and what CBD is, we spoke to the molecular biologist and weight-lifter Suat Neven.

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LSD lemurs and millipedes with Daniela Bolanos Garcia

The case of Professor John Buettner-Janusch is the biggest scandal around the University of NY, from synthesizing one kilo of Quaaludes and LSD to supposedly give to lemurs (where he gained his nickname Professor Quaalude) to attempting to poison the federal judge responsible for his case. Janusch claimed he had given LSD and Quaaludes to his primates to study their emotional behavior while under the influence of these compounds. However, in the wild, we have also heard that lemurs get high using hallucinogenic millipedes. To get down to these claims, we had a conversation the Tropical Biology student Daniela Bolanos Garcia to understand why they do it, whether they are consciously getting high, and what makes them high!

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