Basic Mycononimcs: Gourmet Chocolates

Mushroom edibles just became legal in Oregon, as regulators gave the state’s first license of psilocybin edibles to Spiritus Oregon.

The company manufactures mushroom chocolates and gummies with the brand name Horizon Edibles, with doses ranging from 2mg to 25 milligrams.

With this first officialization of a company, we’ll likely see the psilocybin-containing chocolate business grow unmeasurably in the next few years for both therapeutic and recreational use. Unfortunately, it isn’t all good news.

When mentioning mushroom chocolates, typically, just like any edible product, these bars are produced in mass, and the fungi content becomes spread unevenly, making it pretty much impossible to know the dosage we are taking per square. Another issue is that growers often sift out lower-quality mushrooms to make these chocolates, reserving the better mushrooms for sale, or sometimes, the problem is present in the quality of the chocolate used.

For legal reasons, we can’t provide you with a recipe for psilocybin chocolates. However, we can teach you various techniques to avoid the issues mentioned previously and create gourmet chocolate using Lion’s Mane like a true chocolatier (but allow your imagination to run wild).


When making chocolate, there are always the following questions.

What kind of chocolate will we be making?

How much effort and time am I willing to put into this?

Do I have access to cocoa beans? If not, what do I have access to?


The type of chocolate you make should depend on personal preference. However, considering we are talking about Lion’s mane, some people tend to find their taste too present and dislike the chocolate. For this reason, we’d advise you to choose a type of chocolate that can mask the flavor of Lion’s mane, such as dark or white chocolate.   

Knowing how much effort and time you’re willing to put into making chocolates is essential. If you want to make the chocolates more effortlessly, maybe making the chocolates without using cocoa beans would be a better pick for you (however, this will lower the quality of the result). If you intend to have the experience of roasting your cocoa beans, have total control of the quality of your chocolate, and are willing to put various techniques into play, starting with cocoa beans would be 100% the choice for you (this will provide you with a bar of natural chocolate and have a superior quality).

Without further ado, let’s start by giving you the ingredients and materials you need to gather to make your gourmet chocolate bars!


Using Cocoa Bean:


    • – Cocoa beans: 500g (high-quality, single-origin beans)

    • Cocoa butter: 100g (to enhance smoothness)

    • Sugar: 200g (cane sugar, finely ground)

    • Lecithin: 5g (optional, for improved texture)

    • Vanilla bean or pure vanilla extract: 1 tsp (optional)

    • – Salt: A pinch (optional, used to enhance flavor)



    • Roaster or oven

    • Cracker and winnower (for nib separation)

    • Melanger (stone grinder)

    • Conching machine (optional, used for flavor development) PS. These can get expensive, and most options are industrial. However, there are countertop versions of these machines. (You may get a Stone Melanger that will allow you to grind the cocoa and conch. (If you own a Stone Melanger, you don’t need the Melanger nor the Conching Machine.)

    • – Tempering machine or marble slab

    • – Chocolate molds


    1. 1- Bean Selection and Sorting:

    1. Select high-quality cocoa beans with distinct flavor profiles, such as Madagascar for fruity notes or Ecuador for floral tones.

    1. Sort the beans to remove any debris or damaged beans.

    1. 2- Roasting:

        • Preheat the oven or roaster to 120-150°C (248-302°F).

        • Roast the beans for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even roasting.

        • Keep an eye on the beans since different beans require different roasting times to bring out the best flavors.

        • Cool the beans after they’ve been roasted.

    1. 3- Cracking and Winnowing:
        • Break the cooled beans into nibs.

        • Winnow the nibs to remove any shells, leaving only the clean nibs for grinding.

    1. 4- Grinding:
        • Put the nibs in a melanger or stone grinder.

        • Grind them into a smooth liquor for several hours (12-24 hours) to reduce particle size and increase smoothness.

        • To get a creamier texture,  gradually add the cocoa butter to the grinder.

        • If desired, add lecithin and a pinch of salt during this step.

    • 5- Making the Lion’s Mane Paste


    • -Lion’s Mane Mushroom (dried or fresh): 1 cup (if using dried, rehydrate first)

    • -Water: Enough to cover the mushrooms for rehydrating

    • -Coconut oil or Cocoa Butter: 2-3 tablespoons

    • -Maple Syrup or Honey: 1-2 tablespoons (optional, for sweetness)

    • -Cocoa Powder: 1 tablespoon (optional, to enhance the chocolate flavor)

    • -Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon (optional)

    • -Sea Salt: a pinch


(1) Prepare the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms:

    • If using dried Lion’s Mane mushrooms, rehydrate them by soaking them in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Drain and squeeze out excess water.

    • For fresh mushrooms, clean them and chop them into smaller pieces.

(2) Cook the Mushrooms:

    • In a pan, heat one tablespoon of coconut oil or cocoa butter over medium heat.

    • Add the chopped Lion’s Mane mushrooms and sauté until soft and slightly browned, about 10-15 minutes.

(3) Blend into Paste:

    • Transfer the cooked mushrooms to a blender or food processor.

    • Add the remaining coconut oil or cocoa butter, maple syrup or honey (if using), cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and a pinch of sea salt.

    • Blend until you achieve a smooth paste. You may need to add extra oil if the paste is too thick.

Back to the chocolate

    • 6- Conching:

    1. To refine the chocolate, continue the grinding or use a separate conching machine.

    1. Conching can take 12 to 48 hours, depending on the desired smoothness and flavor development.

    1. To achieve a balanced sweetness, add the finely ground sugar in stages during conching.

    1. Add the Lion’s Mane Paste to this process

    1. If using extra vanilla, add it near the end of the conching process.

    • 7- Tempering:

    1. Tempering is essential for producing a glossy finish and crisp snap. Use a tempering machine or manually temper on a marble slab.

    1. Dark chocolate is typically tempered by cooling it to around 27°C (80°F) and then reheating it to 31-32°C (88-90°F).

    1. Ensure that the chocolate is smooth and free of streaks. This indicates proper tempering.

    • 8- Molding:
      • Pour the tempered chocolate into molds and gently tap to remove air bubbles.

        • Allow the chocolate to set at room temperature in a cool, dry environment, or refrigerate for a faster setting.

    • 9- Unmolding and Storing:

    1. Once set, carefully unmold the chocolate.

    1. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight to maintain quality.

Tips for Perfection:

    • Use the Best Beans: The flavor of the chocolate is largely determined by the quality and origin of the cocoa beans. Experiment with different origins to find your preferred flavor profile.

    • Precision in Roasting: Roasting is critical to developing complex flavors in chocolate. Light roasts preserve more fruity and acidic notes, while darker roasts bring out deeper, more robust flavors.

    • Long Conching Times: Professional chocolatiers often conch their chocolate for extended periods to achieve a smoother texture and more refined flavors.

    • Proper Tempering: Proper tempering is essential for the best texture and appearance. Invest in a good tempering machine or learn to temper manually on a marble slab.


If you don’t have access or know where to find cocoa beans, rest assured. We have you covered for equally good recipes! 

Dark Chocolate Recipe

Milk Chocolate

White Chocolate Recipe


Dark Chocolate Recipe (Without Cocoa Beans)


    • Cocoa mass (cocoa liquor): 400g

    • – Cocoa butter: 100g (to enhance smoothness)

    • – Sugar: 200g (use finely ground or powdered sugar)

    • – Lecithin: 3g (optional, for improved texture and emulsification)

    • – Vanilla extract: 1 tsp (optional)

    • – Salt: A pinch (optional, to enhance flavor)


    • – Double boiler

    • – Melanger or stone grinder (optional, for refining)

    • – Chocolate tempering machine or tools for manual tempering

    • – Chocolate molds


    • 1- Melting the Cocoa Mass and Cocoa Butter:

    • Adding Sugar:
        • Once the cocoa mass and butter are fully melted, gradually add the finely ground sugar and your Lion’s Mane Paste while continuing to stir or refine in the melanger.

        • If using a melanger, allow the mixture to refine for several hours (2-12 hours) to achieve a smooth texture.

        • If not using a melanger, stir continuously until the sugar is fully dissolved and the mixture is smooth.

    • 2- Incorporating Lecithin and Vanilla (Optional):
        • Add the lecithin, if using, to improve the texture and shelf life of your chocolate.

        • Stir in the vanilla extract if you want to add a subtle flavor to your chocolate.

        • Continue refining or stirring until all ingredients are fully incorporated.

    • 3- Tempering:
        • Temper the chocolate to ensure it has a glossy finish and a good snap. You can use a tempering machine for precision, or do it manually.

        • For manual tempering, cool the chocolate mixture to around 27°C (80°F) and then gently reheat it to 31-32°C (88-90°F).

        • Use a thermometer to ensure accurate temperatures.

    • 4- Molding:
        • Pour the tempered chocolate into your prepared molds. Tap the molds gently to remove any air bubbles and to ensure the chocolate is evenly distributed.

        • Let the chocolate set at room temperature in a cool, dry place. Avoid refrigerating unless necessary to speed up the setting process.

    • 5- Unmolding and Storing:

    • Once fully set, carefully remove the chocolate from the molds.

    • Store the chocolate in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality.

Tips for the Best Results:

    • Use High-Quality Ingredients: The quality of your cocoa mass, cocoa butter, and sugar directly affects the final taste and texture of your chocolate.

    • Refining for Smoothness: If possible, use a melanger to refine your chocolate for several hours. This process reduces particle size and creates a smoother mouthfeel.

    • Accurate Tempering: Proper tempering is crucial for a professional finish. Be precise with your temperatures to ensure the cocoa butter crystals align correctly.



Professional-Quality Milk Chocolate Recipe


    • – Cocoa mass (cocoa liquor): 300g

    • – Cocoa butter: 100g

    • – Powdered sugar: 200g

    • – Milk powder: 150g (use high-quality, fine milk powder)

    • – Lecithin: 3g (optional, for improved texture and emulsification)

    • – Vanilla extract: 1 tsp (optional)

    • – Salt: A pinch (optional, to enhance flavor)


    • Double boiler

    • – Melanger or stone grinder (optional, for refining)

    • – Chocolate tempering machine or tools for manual tempering

    • – Chocolate molds


    1. 1- Melting the Cocoa Mass and Cocoa Butter:
        • In a double boiler, gently melt the cocoa mass and cocoa butter over low heat. Stir to ensure even melting.

    1. 2- Adding Milk Powder and Sugar:
        • Gradually sift in the milk powder, powdered sugar and Lions Mane Paste while stirring the mixture.

        • If using a melanger, transfer the mixture to the melanger and refine it for several hours (2-12 hours) for a smoother texture.

        • If not using a melanger, continue stirring until the mixture is fully smooth and all ingredients are well combined.

    1. 3- Incorporating Lecithin and Vanilla (Optional):
        • Add lecithin to improve the texture and shelf life, and stir in the vanilla extract for added flavor.

        • Continue refining or stirring until everything is fully incorporated and smooth.

    1. 4- Tempering:
        • Temper the milk chocolate by cooling it to about 26°C (79°F) and then gently reheating it to 29-30°C (84-86°F).

        • Use a thermometer to ensure precise temperature control.

    1. 5- Molding:
        • Pour the tempered milk chocolate into molds. Tap gently to remove any air bubbles.

        • Let the chocolate set at room temperature or refrigerate to speed up the process.

    1. 6- Unmolding and Storing:
        • Once fully set, carefully remove the chocolate from the molds.

        • Store the milk chocolate in a cool, dry place, away from heat and light.

Tips for Both Recipes:

    • Quality Ingredients: Use the best-quality cocoa butter, milk powder, and cocoa mass you can find for the best flavor and texture.

    • Precision in Tempering: Proper tempering is key to achieving a smooth, glossy finish and the right texture. Temperature control is crucial.

    • Refining: If possible, use a melanger to refine your chocolate mixture for a smoother, more professional texture.


Professional-Quality White Chocolate Recipe


    • Cocoa butter: 400g

    • – Powdered sugar: 200g

    • – Milk powder: 150g (use high-quality, fine milk powder)

    • – Lecithin: 3g (optional, for improved texture and emulsification)

    • – Vanilla extract: 1 tsp (optional)

    • – Salt: A pinch (optional, to enhance flavor)


    • – Double boiler

    • – Melanger or stone grinder (optional, for refining)

    • – Chocolate tempering machine or tools for manual tempering

    • – Chocolate molds


    1. 1- Melting the Cocoa Butter:
        • In a double boiler, gently melt the cocoa butter over low heat. Stir continuously to ensure even melting and avoid burning.

    1. 2- Adding Milk Powder and Sugar:
        • Once the cocoa butter is fully melted, gradually sift in the milk powder and powdered sugar, and Lion’s Mane Paste while continuing to stir.

        • If you have a melanger, transfer the mixture to the melanger and refine it for several hours (2-12 hours) for a smoother texture.

        • If not using a melanger, stir continuously until the mixture is smooth and all the ingredients are well combined.

    1. 3- Incorporating Lecithin and Vanilla (Optional):
        • Add the lecithin to improve texture and shelf life, and stir in the vanilla extract for flavor.

        • Continue refining or stirring until everything is fully incorporated and smooth.

    1. 4- Tempering:
        • Temper the white chocolate to ensure it has a glossy finish and a smooth texture.

        • Cool the chocolate to around 26°C (79°F) and then gently reheat it to 29-30°C (84-86°F).

        • Use a thermometer to ensure accurate temperatures.

    1. 5- Molding:
        • Pour the tempered white chocolate into molds. Tap the molds gently to remove air bubbles and ensure even distribution.

        • Allow the chocolate to set at room temperature or refrigerate to speed up the setting process.

    1. 6- Unmolding and Storing:
        • Once the chocolate is fully set, carefully unmold it.

        • Store the white chocolate in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.



Know your dosage with Lion’s Mane individual cubes:


To solve this, we got an idea inspired by the German chocolate Schogetten to create individually cubed chocolates filled with Lion’s Mane paste.

The main issue with these recipes would, once again, be the even distribution of the paste and dosage per square.

To do so, you may follow the same recipes as above (without adding the Lion’s mane paste), except the difference is in how you mold the chocolate.

Instead of pouring the whole mixture into the mold, you want to do the following.

1- Coat the Molds:

    • Pour the melted chocolate into the molds, filling them completely. Then, invert the mold over the bowl to let the excess chocolate drip out, leaving a thin coating inside the mold.

    • Tap the molds gently to remove air bubbles, and then place them in the fridge for a few minutes to set.

2- Add the paste:

    • Once the chocolate shells have hardened, add your Lion’s Mane Paste. We advise making the filling for each cube to know the exact dosage. For example, make a small amount of filling of 250mg of Lion’s Mane per cube in your mold. This way, you’ll be certain that there will be 250mg per cube instead of an unknown dosage. Be sure to leave a small gap at the top to seal with more chocolate.

    • You can use a spoon or piping bag to add the filling.

3- Seal the Chocolates:

    • Reheat your remaining chocolate if it has started to harden. Pour it over the filling to cover and seal the chocolates completely.

    • Scrape off any excess chocolate with a spatula to ensure the bottoms are flat.

4- Set and Remove from Molds:

    • Place the filled molds in the refrigerator for at least 20-30 minutes, or until the chocolate has fully set.

    • Gently pop the chocolates out of the molds.

5- Enjoy or Package:

    • Your filled chocolates are now ready to enjoy! You can also package them as gifts.


    • Experiment with flavors: Try different fillings or even add flavor extracts to the chocolate.

    • Decorate the chocolates: After unmolding, you can drizzle them with more chocolate, sprinkle with nuts, or dust with cocoa powder for a professional touch.


We hope that you’ve enjoyed these recipes. Make sure to save them for future chocolatier adventures or perhaps even starting your own business!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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